AnAqSim Feature Focus Package

**We are currently in the process of updating our tutorials to incorporate the exciting new features included in the recently released AnAqSim update (Release 2016-3). Contact Us for additional details.**

While basic instruction on the use of tools and features in AnAqSim can be found throughout the flexAEM tutorials and in the AnAqSim User Guide, the AnAqSim Feature Focus Series provides a more in-depth look at the use of key AnAqSim features for constructing groundwater models and analyzing model results. The series explains the capabilities and use of each feature or tool with step-by-step instructions and graphics displaying the various data entry steps and output results. Our AnAqSim Feature Focus Series includes eight detailed lessons on:

  • Working with Data Grids
  • Solver Setting and Checks
  • Model Inspector Tools
  • Analysis Tools
  • Digitizing Tools
  • View Manager Features
  • Editing XML Model Input Files
  • Exporting Model Results

Get the AnAqSim Feature Focus Series free with our flexAEM Intermediate-1and Intermediate-2 Training Package bundle!

If you have any questions as you read through the AnAqSim Feature Focus lessons, we're here to help! Send us a question, and our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you. Be sure to search our Blog for more information or to post a comment or question.