flexAEM Calculator Toolkit

flexAEM Calculator Toolkits are ideal for engineers, hydrogeologists, and environmental scientists who want to plan or evaluate a groundwater remedy without building a full scale groundwater flow model. Aquifer drawdown, pumping well extraction rates, groundwater flow paths, travel times, and more can be determined by following a few easy steps.

No groundwater modeling experience is required to use these calculators! Just follow the instructions and you will be on your way to designing and testing a groundwater remediation system for your project.

Aquifer properties and system design parameters can be set to your specifications in simple data entry tables to quickly analyze different groundwater flow conditions and design concepts. Contouring and particle tracking can be accomplished in seconds, and calculator displays are easily manipulated to get you the information you need.

Download the free Quick Start Calculator Demo to get you on your way!

Remediation Calculator Toolkit

The Remediation Calculator Toolkit allows for the fast and easy calculation and visualization of hydraulic conditions (drawdown, capture width, inflow rate, etc.) for a wide range of groundwater remediation systems. These calculators can be used to evaluate remediation systems in confined or unconfined aquifer settings, with or without recharge.

The flexAEM Remediation Calculator Toolkit includes utilities for the design and evaluation of:

  • Extraction Wells Array
  • Vertical Barrier & Well System
  • Interceptor Trench
  • Interceptor Trench with Sumps
  • Permeable Reactive Barrier
  • Funnel & Gate System
  • Extraction / Injection Well Aquifer Flushing System
  • Extraction Array with Downgradient Injection Barrier
  • Source Slurry Wall Enclosure with Pumping
  • Extraction Wells with Basin Infiltration
  • Extraction Wells with Spray Infiltration
  • Source Area Capping to Reduce Infiltration

The Remediation Calculator Toolkit package contains 15 calculators for 12 remedial technologies, detailed instruction manuals, and base grid files to allow you to rapidly create and test a range of single-technology and combined groundwater remediation systems.

The Remediation Calculator Toolkit also contains the Transform Calculator utility that allows users to quickly move, scale, and rotate the calculators to align with site coordinates. This feature is great for importing site base maps and creating report ready graphics.

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