AnAqSim Example Application Series

The AnAqSim Example Application Series was developed to provide a set of practical modeling application examples that demonstrate how common groundwater modeling analyses can be accomplished using AnAqSim. The examples provide a detailed walkthrough of the modeling process, and include all associated modeling files and calculation tools. And the best part? They’re free!

Example Applications

Groundwater Protection Area Delineation

A Simple Zone II Example

Those responsible for management of public water supply wellfields often perform analyses of the area over which water enters and flows though the aquifer supplying a well or wellfield so that groundwater protection measures can be implemented. In this example, we demonstrate how AnAqSim can be used to delineate a groundwater protection area in the state of Massachusetts (referred to as a Zone II Area). The techniques used in delineating the Zone of Contribution (ZOC) and Area Contributing Recharge (ACR) for the well can also be applied for delineating groundwater protection zones under other regulatory programs.

AEM – A Stepwise Tool for Analyzing Flow in Fractured Bedrock Aquifers

MODFLOW and More Presentation 2019

Analysis of groundwater flow in fractured bedrock aquifers may be performed using a spectrum of modeling approaches that includes (in general order of complexity) analytic solutions; analytic element method (AEM) models; numerical (FD / FE) models with few discrete fractures/faults; and discrete fracture network (DFN) models with many (often stochastically generated) fractures.

To learn more and gain a better understanding of how to use AnAqSim to analyze flow in a fractured bedrock aquifer video, watch the presentation recorded by Dr. Charles McLane from the 2019 MODFLOW and More conference titled "AEM - Stepwise Tool for Analyzing Flow in Fractured Bedrock Aquifers".

If you have any questions as you work your way through the Example Applications, don't hesitate to Contact us, or check out our Blog, where you can search available content, or post a comment or question.

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